Q: How old do I have to be to enter and purchase products from Sol de Mendocino?

A: You must be 21 years of age with a valid photo ID (Driver’s license, State ID, Passport, etc.) to enter recreationally. For medical use, you may be as young as 18 years of age with a doctor’s recommendation with a valid photo ID. If you are medical, please be sure to have your doctor’s recommendation and photo ID ready for verification at the check in window. It may take a few minutes to verify your recommendation, but once we have verified it on your initial visit, future check-ins will only require your photo ID. Children are welcome in the waiting lobby but not in the dispensary itself.

Q: If I am 21 or older and have a medical card do I need to bring it for verification and purchasing?

A: Only if you wish to purchase more than the recreational daily limits of marijuana products. Medical patients are allowed to purchase more than recreational customers daily.

Q: How much product can I purchase?

A: There are two different sets of purchasing limits. For medical patients the daily purchasing limits are: 8 oz of cannabis flower, 8 oz of cannabis concentrates, 12 clones, and 2,000 mg of topicals, tinctures or capsules. For adult recreational use, the daily purchasing limits are: 1 oz of cannabis flower, 8g of cannabis concentrates, 6 clones, and 1,000 mg of tinctures, topicals or capsules. For more information of California Marijuana regulations visit: canorml.org

Q: Do you offer delivery or mailing options?

A: Unfortunately we do not offer a delivery service and it is still illegal to ship any marijuana products through Federal airspace. We do offer online and phone ordering for in store pick-up.

Q: Do you carry clones?

A: We offer clones on a seasonal basis. Typically from late Winter/early Spring through late Spring/early Summer. We also offer seeds year round. For special ordering contact Mary at Sol de Mendocino. Typically a deposit is required for special orders.